This document outlines the principles and objectives of the service organization called Sri Satguru Seva Samajam, based in NJ, USA. The organization is a brainchild of Sri Swaminathan Subramaniam (henceforth referred to as Sri Swami in this document) also based in NJ, USA.
In June 2013, Sri Swaminathan along with a few trusted friends, conducted the first ever session (called “satsangam”) of “Sampradaya Bhajans” in Plainsboro, NJ. The “Sampradaya Bhajans” consists of group singing of the Almighty’s praise, which in the Hindu religion is considered the easiest way of enhancing an individual’s devotion and spirituality. This is called “Namasankeertanam” or chanting / repetition of Almighty’s name. The goal of these sessions is to propagate “Namasankeertanam”, make it a household requirement and motivate the younger generation to get more involved in the Hindu culture and tradition, thus enabling them to stay connected to their roots.
The first session became so popular among the Hindu community in the region that Sri Swami has continued to conduct these sessions in different locations in the tri-state are on a monthly basis. His schedule is now fully booked for the next 12 months.
Need for an Organization
Given the popularity of these devotional sessions in the tri-state area, Hindu temples and religious organizations across the United States are now inviting Sri Swami and his group to conduct “Sampradaya Bhajans” at their locations. There has been a steady increase in the requests by devotees attending these sessions to start accepting donations and leverage them to broaden the scope of activities currently performed by this group. This has now necessitated the need to incorporate an organization in the United States of America, through which formal donations will be received from devotees. Such donations will be used to perform several service activities specifically focused on popularizing “Namasankeertanam” and providing assistance and support to scholars (henceforth referred to as “Bhagavathas” in this document) who have dedicated their lives for “Namasankeertanam”.
The organization will be called “Sri Satguru Seva Samajam, USA” and will be based in New Jersey, USA.
Immediate Next Steps
Sri Swami has identified a few trusted individuals who will assist him in leading the Sri Satguru Seva Samajam, USA. Once the incorporation process is completed, the Sri Satguru Seva Samajam, USA will start accepting donations from devotees through the various interaction sessions, a primary channel being the monthly Sampradaya Bhajans sessions conducted at various locations across the United States.
The constitution of the Sri Satguru Seva Samajam, USA will outline the modalities of executing the various activities required to meet the objectives of the organization.